Hydro-fur-apy Ltd., is a new purpose built Canine Hydrotherapy Centre situated in Over, Cambridgeshire. Our therapist Tracey, holds a Level 3 certificate in Hydrotherapy for Small Animals which includes, hydrotherapy, bone and ligament conditions, anatomy, first aid and water management. Her background is in Law, but her love is for dogs and after her own dog Boycee, had T.P.L.O. surgery, she decided to become a hydrotherapist after seeing the benefits and results it had on his rehabilitation and overall fitness.


We are a member of N.A.R.C.H. (National Association of Registered Canine Hydrotherapists) and follow their Codes of Conduct whilst working within our Scope of Practice, ensuring the safety of the therapist and the client.  NARCH requires us to undertake C.P.D. days (Continuing Professional Development), where therapists are able to keep up with current techniques, procedures, new equipment being used and rules that may have changed.

We have allocated parking right outside and have C.C.T.V. running 24 hours a day both inside and outside for the safety of the staff and client visitors.   (We do not accept any responsibility for damage, theft or injury caused by persons using the car park).


Our therapist will check your dog’s referral form carry out an assessment and general health check and find the right size harness to suit your dog.  We do not rush or pressure your dog, as we want it to feel as safe, confident and happy as possible. Your dog will then be showered for hygiene purposes before starting its session in the pool. 


HYDROTHERAPY - Our treatment programmes are catered to suit each individual client’s needs and are carried out in a controlled, relaxed environment. We use therapeutic handling to guide the dog up the ramp into the pool where the hydrotherapist will guide it around, checking, monitoring and assessing at all times during the session.  Our therapist will be in the pool with your dog at all times.

All our clients safety is important and therefore we use top of the range harnesses and buoyancy jackets which they will be fitted with for the session.

Our treatment is carried out in a proprioceptively enriched environment and begins from the minute our clients enter our centre until the minute they leave. We re-assess in every session because as the dogs’ circumstances change and improve, we need to ensure that their programme meets their requirements.  

Once in the water, we will do some short swims around or across the pool, allowing the dog to have short breaks on the platforms provided.  Once the session is over, they will be showered to wash off any chlorine in their coats. When the initial consultation/session is over, we can discuss any concerns and answer any questions you may have. 

We do not allow owners to swim in the pool with their dog.


For health and safety reasons, we would ask that you wear sensible footwear, as the pool  room floor can get wet during the session.  Also, there are over shoes provided at the front door for footwear that is muddy/dirty to help us to keep the centre as clean as possible.

Please note dogs must be kept on the lead at all times unless advised otherwise.  Even if your dog is well-behaved around other dogs, the centre may have injured animals that could become overwhelmed or hurt by other dogs friendly behaviour.


Hydro-fur-apy Ltd., require you to advise us if your dog’s injury or condition has deteriorated, or if your veterinary surgeon has advised you to withhold or stop hydrotherapy treatments.


When booking your appointment, you will have been asked to ensure that you do not feed your dog 3 hours prior to arrival at our centre and that you bring it to us as clean as possible.

We ask that you allow your dog to go to the toilet before arriving at the centre.

We would ask that you do not have your dog groomed within a week prior to treatment with us, as the products in their coats will affect the chemical balance of our pool.


All dogs release endorphins during and after their session in the pool and could get a little over excited, so you will need to try to keep it as calm as possible, so that it does not injure itself and undo any work from the session.


To ease any vomiting or discomfort for your dog, we ask that you do not feed your dog for at least 1 hour after their treatment with us.


At Hydro-fur-apy Ltd., we want to use our passion for dogs to make a difference by improving the health and quality of our clients’ lives. We feel that every dog should be able to live its life to the fullest, happy and pain free.  Ensuring the wellbeing of our clients is paramount.


We want your visit with us to be enjoyable as well as beneficial.  The welfare of your dog is very important to us.

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© Hydrofurapy Ltd - Cambridge Canine Hydrotherapy, Canine Water Therapy & Canine Physiotherapy